Wizard Class Skill Change - Epeisodion Update Lineage2 - Lineage II News
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Wizard Class Skill Change - Epeisodion Update Lineage2

wizard skills epeisodion
Lineage2 Online Games News:

Specific class skill change has been updated Korean server - 2 May 2013 - Epeisodion patch. The specific class skill base on  various class is design to meet the match of Lineage2 PVP or MPV system. Bellow the detail information:

Wizard Class Skill Change:

Class Name Race Description
Feoh Archmage Human Good in wide range magic area and debuff
Feoh soultaker Human Multi-faceted battle skills and powerful debuff
Feoh Mistyc Muse Elf Casting speed is very fast and specialist in single attack target
Feoh Storm Screamer Dark Elf Powerful magic damage with empowering echo skill
Feoh Soulhound Kamael Excellent in survival and defense power, the remarkable interpersonal debuff class is very effective

Wizard change skill: the power of chain skill was raised to a similar level that linked to main attack skill.

Class Name Clasification Change Skills Description
Feoh Archmage Fix Elemental Blast Damage surroundings enemy with the elemental buster skill. decrease 20% magic resistance for 30 seconds. Power 683.
Feoh Soultaker Extention Curse Gloom Reduce enemy magic and 6 elemental resistance with the power of dark property 115 horsepower for 15 seconds.[Lv gain up to 21]
Transfer Pain Absorb 60% of incoming damage to their pet. Continuously consumes MP, depending on the level of acquisition until Lv 10.
Top Cursed Man Learn revived summon characters to Lv 13.
Summon Cursed Man Summoned top cursed man acquire up to Lv 13.
Feoh Mistyc Muse New Aqua Crash Damage to the target with 199 ice power, causing abnormal state, decreases movement speed. The cumulative abnormalities final effect is freezing the enemy for 2 seconds. Over-hit is possible
Feoh Storm Screamer Extention Empowering Echo Increase 35% magic MP consumption for 30 minutes, and increases magical damage 25%. It Can be learn until Lv 2.
Feoh Soulhound Extention Ligthing Shock Current to the power of a magical force flowing around enemies with 188 have been added, for 3 seconds, receiving a 50% reduction in the amount of HP recovery.
New Soul Barier Increase their physical defense by 6000 for 20 seconds.

Classification List

Classification Description
Fix Add new effect of existing skills
Extention Change level of existing skills
New A new skill that added on Epeisodion patch

Wizard | Warrior | Knight | Enchanter | Healer | Summoner
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