S84 Grade Dual Dagger's Enchant Experimental - Lineage II News

S84 Grade Dual Dagger's Enchant Experimental

Experimental statistics for dual dagger S84 grade has published to korean server on (11.01.27). The statistics of the Enchanted January 27, 2011 11:00 a.m. to 30 minutes have been made based on the data. The maximum enchanted level data has recorded to +17 and +18. To determine the status of weapon enchant, bellow the similar experiment of S84 Grade S84 intention of the dagger was investigated.

  • Vesper Dual Dagger's : S84 Grade Vesper Dual Dagger's reacted enchanted statistics of the last 10 days and the last in August 2010, approximately five months was conducted in the Enchanted statistics. 6 months ago at the time the highest figure Enchanted Dagger +18 Vesper dual dagger's (ATK 558) and arias with the Star Lease was present on the server one by one, even today there is no variation was observed. However, the second highest figure was a +17 enchant a dagger Vesper dual fails to enchant, unfortunately, has been identified as an evaporating.

Vesper Dual Dagger's

  • Skull Edge Dual Dagger's : S84 Skull Edge Dual Dagger weapon enchant statistics of the last 10 days and the last in August 2010, about 6 months after the statistics were carried enchant. +11 6 months ago at the time, but now the Skull Edge Dual Dagger's Edge and server, such as Cain, a total of six servers, one for each edge of the skull dagger +16 (ATK 589) have been found to exist, chants and other weapons of the deceased increasing the number was more.
Skull Edge Dual Dagger's

  • Mamba Edge Dual Dagger's : Edge Dagger Mamba S84 grade is best weapon enchant statistics of the last 10 days and the last in August 2010, about 6 months after the statistics were carried enchant. 6 months ago at the time the highest levels of Enchant Weapon +7 Dagger Mamba edge on recent server but now the edge dagger mamba +16 (ATK 611) have been found to exist, the most offensive of the existing high weapon dagger.

Mamba Edge Dual Dagger's

source : powerwiki-korea [lineage2 labs]
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