Harmony System Lineage2 Voucher Exchange Items - Lineage II News

Harmony System Lineage2 Voucher Exchange Items

Certification means that certain quests have been completed and the quantity of items in the Bill as compensation that can be scheduled to have a wide variety of items can be exchanged with the NPC cajaga myeon. Recent harmony  update Lineage2 Goddess of Destruction, the voucher can be exchanged for items, each item has changed, but the deed is a list of items that can be exchanged with the required quantity of the certificate regarding the Exchange.

Various items can be exchanged to complete certain quests items the Bill when you can get as compensation. This the deed of courage and during the defined in the deedare 1st ex quest and 2nd ex quest can get when you complete the items in the items per since it can make do with the equipment of each D-grade and C grade can be swapped.

In addition, five , the goddess of destruction voucher item is introduced in a new hunting ground in the quest to repeat as a reward upon completion. Each certificate specified by the NPC, in exchange for weapons and armor, such as cajaga myeon R grade or more ingredients of the recipe and ingredients can be exchanged, some productions also are interchangeable. How to get a star for each voucher is exchangeable items as below.
Certificate item
How to get
Interchangeable NPC
Major replaceable items
The deed of courage
Start of doom
Speaking island village
Each species is the head of the NPC
Unconfirmed state D-grade weapons and armor, and accessories
Definition of certificate
Proof of doom
ZAG Diogo castle town
Each species is the head of the NPC
Unconfirmed State C grade weapons and armor, and accessories
The deed of Lee's
In the wake of the underground mine, Rajan
Rare research materials
Suit Frankfurt Pilar village, Castle R grade Requiem weapon recipe and ingredients
Commitment certificate
All my little power Altitude Anthony Ah Ercan The Greek defense, recipe and ingredients R grade
The deed of life
Take in the scent of the unknown Altitude Anthony Ah Ercan R grade Apocalypse weapon recipe and ingredients
Award-winning gardener R grade Heli accessories recipe and ingredients
The hero's deeds
Stuffed ancient heroes Altitude Anthony Ah Ercan R95-Deira, recipe and ingredients
The deed of hell
Emerald Square hit La
The way of challenge, steam
Coral garden
Defines the number of cattle p. Oren trust R99 ID, recipe and ingredients Australia

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